Friday, January 08, 2010

Remembering the decade gone by

I'm sitting at a customer location in Phnom Penh, pondering over my inability to keep blogging regularly despite the fact that I do seem to have ample time to procrastinate everyday. Pathetic! I say to myself only to be drowned in the ocean of mental lethargy that seems to be filling me up over the last 2 years. Enough of gloom!

There are much reasons to be cheerful as a new decade dawns on us even before most of us are left scratching our heads on where the last 10 years went. A short flashback on some of my memories on the decade gone by:


  • I began my career in June 2000 at Indus Networks and the memories still very fresh in my mind. The very first time I saw the ATM spitting out my very own bank balance (Rs. 10000) and really dint' know what to do with so much money!
  • My first experience with the Internet, Yahoo Chat, Google.
  • I bought my first two wheeler (second hand of course) for a mind numbing Rs 3400
  • The nights of fun, frolic and beer with friends in Hyderabad
  • The first encounter with WAP and the mobile mania
  • Got my first passport on Feb 13th
  • Boarded my first flight , an Indian Airlines flight to Bombay from Madras enroute to Germany. Mom dropping me off at the airport and I still remember her face , proud that her son was joining the great big bandwagon of desi's marching towards a better future outside India
  • My first visit abroad to Germany in March. I remember pinching myself to remind me that this was not a dream.
  • First taste of German beer and my first visit to the Oktoberfest and the resulting worst hangover of my life
  • My first soccer game
  • Visit to Rome, Venice and Pisa, Brussels and Paris. I was living my dream!
  • My first cell phone, a neat looking Sony (forget the model) and my first call to dad and mom telling them about my purchase.
  • Working on the first GPRS capable devices
  • Moving to Munich on a work visa for 3 years
  • Got my first camera a Canon EOS SLR
  • More football games and my first (of nine) visit to the fascinating Neuschwanstein Castle
  • The first time I was away from friends in family for more than 3 months
  • Feeling snow for the first time!
  • Bought my first Walkman (a Sony Discman) and first DVD player
  • Second visit to Paris
  • Going around Europe
  • Windows Mobile 2002
  • Don't seem to remember too much here except that it was a year where I worked on an average for about 14 hours a day and spent well over 25 full weekends at work
  • My first visit to Switzerland
  • Birth of my nephew Thakkai Paya!
  • My very first house (or was it 2005?)
  • My first trip to the United States and Portugal
  • My very first trip to a Formula 1 race at Hockenheim
  • Gaping at the magnificent Grand Canyon and trying my luck at gambling at Vegas (eventually ended up losing $30)
  • Picked up my first Xbox
  • Bought my first camcoder
  • Cousins wedding celebrations in India
  • My first iPod
  • Getting married and my first honeymoon
  • My fifth Oktoberfest
  • The project with SWM (Stadtwerke Muenchen)
  • My first iPod Nano
  • Losing my job at Aventeon and subsequent closure of Aveteon just 5 days after I had returned back from India
  • Moving back to Bangalore getting a job with Sabre
  • My first trip to Shanghai, Hong Kong and Thailand
  • Shattering news that my father had cancer
  • Wife's battle with depression and dad's continuing battle with cancer
  • Trips to Mauritius and Jeddah
  • The worst year of my life - losing my beloved father and wife
  • Working on the JetLite migration and first trip to Vietnam
  • Coming to terms with my everything life had thrown at me and accepting the hard truth
  • Trips to Indonesia
  • Finding solace in god and nature
  • My very first digital SLR
  • First trip to Angkor Wat
  • Working on the Vietnam Airlines migration
  • My first iPod touch
  • Seeing a tiger and the elusive Lion Tailed Macaque in the wild for the very first time
Wow, certainly not a boring life! There have been so many highs and lows that have shattered the very fabric of my being. But if there is one lesson I have learned from the decade gone by it is that life has to move on and I realize with each passing day that the only person in control of your life and destiny is the almighty and I can only thank everyone in my life and the almighty for making me the person I am today.

What changes will the new decade bring? I hope they are positive and bring about peace and prosperity for every living creature that calls this wonderful planet its home.


nourish-n-cherish said...

Ganna...such a poignant post. Wonderful. Happy New Year to you. Life is beautiful - its sorrows the melancholy valleys and the joys the surrounding hills. Neither by itself would inspire anything, but in conjunction paints a landscape for the mind to revel and live in.

Looking forward to more from your blog.

Ganesh Raghavan said...

Thanks Saums. I really need to devote sometime to blogging instead of wasting it on procrastination. Lets see how things unfold!