For folks wondering how despo I was, pelase bear in mind that I have spent a good two and a half years in the most expensive place on Earth.."The European Union" where the only things that middle class income folks like mine can buy are toilet papers (which I still dont beleive in using. Long live the old mug or "sombu" as it is called in Tamil) and "bear" (South Indian for beer).
So the wishlist looked like this:
An iPod, A 6.2 MP Digital SLR, a Camcorder, Jeans, T-Shirts, Medical stuff plus a 2MB text file full of other things ranging from Indian pickle to Tamizh movies including my favorite Senthil&Goundamani comedy series on DVD.
The list looked so damn impressive and I was fantasizing about all this in my room, when suddenly I was brought back earth with a huge thud. Reason my dear bank account which was already nearing the same fate as the Indian central government treasury found itself in 1991, was begging me for mercy. Inspired by Manmogan Singh (as my Eco prof in school used to call him) I decided to reduce the personal fiscal defecit by chastising any expensive shopping spree! So much for building castles in the air.....But hey always dare to dream!
Well now that the trip to the US has ended I find myself having purchased this beauty:

My New Camcorder
If you need the specs you can find them here
Well that the latest addition to my creative arsenal. (The only other weapon is my SLR camera which I must say is still as good as they get).
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